Friday, November 30, 2007


Yesterday, we attended our first (and probably our last) bullfight. We saw 5 rounds of fights- the first matador fought from his horse, but the rest fought on foot. Some of the horses were blindfolded and protected with mattresses to keep the bulls from injuring them. During the last fight, the matador was knocked down twice by the bull. We thought for sure that he would be either crushed or torn apart, but to our amazement he got up both times and continued to fight the bull. It was definitely a cultural experience but we witnessed more bloodshed than we ever care to see again. We only put the G rated pictures here. The fun part was dressing up in hats and eating good food. Next time maybe we'll check out a less violent sport such as futbol!


Nikki Crockett said...

No me gustan estos fotos. Pobrecito los toros. :(

Nikki Crockett said...

y...Senor Greg...estas comiendo? Estas un pollo delgado!!!!