Thursday, July 3, 2008

The new soup kitchen...

 almost completed! Last week, we had a team complete the walls and ceilings as well as bring the rest of the funds needed to finish the building. This soup kitchen is located 30 minutes north of the existing one and should be up and running sometime in August. The downstairs will feed lunch to kids in the community, while the upstairs will be used for small group meetings. Here are some pics of the work in progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've come along way! Glad to see the new soup kitchen almost finished - is this one closer to where you are or further away? Just wondering how the children that come to the soup kitchen now will be able to get to the new one or will there be two soup kitchens now? Hooray! Great Jerb and looks great. Love, Mom & Dad B.