Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You know you live in Quito when.....

1. The city buses race each other through the streets
2. Milk and eggs are not refrigerated
3. You can't breathe at an intersection due to air pollution
4. You carry your umbrella everywhere you go
5. You wonder how in the world vendors can get 151 songs on a CD and still sell it for $1
6. $3 for lunch is expensive
7. You have almost been killed several times crossing a round-about
8. Family dogs hang out on the roof
9. You realize that guinea pig does NOT taste like chicken
10. Visa is NOT everywhere you want it to be
11. The public are more scared of the president that the active volcanoes that surround the city
12. You can never get change for your $20 or even $10 bill
13. The electricity goes out for no apparent reason
14. Throwing toilet paper in the waste basket instead of the toilet has become a habit
15. You have never seen so many different types and sizes of bananas
16. Halls cough drops are considered candy
17. There are more KFC's in all of Quito than in the state of SC
18. If the doors on the bus still shut, than its not full enough
19. You can go from overheated to freezing in 30 minutes
20. The children are the worst pick-pocketers and the sneakiest (sadly enough)
21. Casual and even excessive drinking on the streets doesn't get a second thought
22. People beep at police officers for driving too slow
23. The mountain views never get old

Unfortunately, our blog is going to be a bit bare for a while. Our camera was stolen this weekend out of our pocket as we were walking around downtown with some friends. So......in lieu of photos, we thought we'd put down some funny observations/cultural differences we've noticed since living in Quito.


Nikki Crockett said...

Oh no, no, no!!!!!! Maybe I'll try to send one of my extras with marm and dad. Let me talk to Roberto. :)

Robinson Family said...

Love the insightful list! Bummer about the camera. I lost ours a month or so back and I wanted to cry. Keep us in the loop though!

Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully you had downloaded most of the pictures from the flash card with the camera. Sorry to hear that theft is such a big deal down there. It's very sad that it seems to be an accepted practice - WHERE ARE THE PARENTS! Anyway, your list of common notable occurences/things, etc. is quite amusing - Sounds like you know the area very well! Stay well and we'll chat soon. Love, Mom & Dad B.

alan and steph said...

I love it!! Thanks for the hilarious list - I got a kick out of it.

sorry about your camera.

Anonymous said...

Well this update was a little different but I enjoyed reading it. Sure does give you a good idea of what its like to live there!! I think I think Ill just come to visit instead of living there.Once again it makes us think of how much we take for grant it and complain over such meaningless everyday things.Have no fear the camera is on its way and it is coming Special Delivery by us!! ha Well be there before you know it !! Love Mom & dad G

Unknown said...

I could not keep the smile off my face as I read your list! And what's sad, is my trip down there proved you really weren't exaggerating!!!

Sorry about your camera -I can only imagine how you must feel =(

Anonymous said...

great to hear your list of things in quito, sounds like a skit from jay lenno!! good to know you have such a great sense of humor, must have gotten it from your aunt! Hummmmmm!! sorry to hear about the camera, danielle had hers stolen last week out of her purse at a club in providence. theft is universal. take good care of yourselves. bet you can't wait to see your moms and dads. be safe.
love aunt laura

Anonymous said...

good to hear your list of quito sounds like a jey lenno skit. good sense of humor, you must have gotten your sense of humor from your aunt, hummm!!!!!!!!! bet you can't wait to see you mom and dads. sorry about your camera, danielle got hers stolen out of her purse last week at a club in providence, guess theft is universl. stay safe and well.
love aunt laura

Nikki Crockett said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, how I miss those photos of your activities. Hurry up with that camera!!!!!!!!! :0)